Tuesday was one of those whiles. Reza and I were hanging out at the Balboa Lake with our dogs. There were two beautiful trumpeter swans who were hanging out near us, but staying closer to a man in a Hawaiin shirt fishing near the water. They didn't let anyone near but him. They even let him pet them while they played with his fishing permit hanging around his neck. We were amazed at their interactions because these swans would chase down anyone who tried to come near them for a closer look (I was one of them).
The simple truth was that he feeds them. Everyday, he comes to the park, and the two swans would find him from wherever they might be in the park to eat and hang out while he fishes. But what amazed me was his reason for wearing Hawaiin shirts. "I love Hawaiin shirts. I get them at Thrift stores, you know, Goodwills, for 3 dollars each and they last me forever, and I get to buy these swans some food every week. I get them those 50 pounder bags every 10 days or so, you know. Oh, I named this one, Thelma and this one, Louise."
At the end of the afternoon, the man packed up to leave and the swans followed him to his car as if wanting to come home with him. I don't blame them. After a few minutes talking to him, I, too, fell in love with him.