Friday, March 28, 2008

The BIG One!

When I arrived at LAX Cargo, he was already waiting in the small cage that had a white sign with big red letters that says, "LIVE ANIMALS." After signing all the release paperwork, I peeked inside the cage to make sure he was there because he was hiding all way in the back corner. Without making a move nor a sound, he looked at me, his new mommy, with those adorable puppy eyes - all frightened and sad.

I'm gonna take you home, okay? Don't be scared, I said, with a promise of always taking good care of him. And he was on his way to his new home.

That was 10 months ago.

Today, that scared lil' puppy whom we decided to call ROCK has turned ONE year old.


Since day one, Rockie has been one cool dog - extremely sweet, gentle and affectionate. He kisses me every day, and all day if he could. He has a unique quirky personality but we love him so much.

He loves ears (Yes, ears.) and human food.

He loves playing hide and seek.

He likes sitting on windows, top of sofas and... my shoulders. Here's where he's more like a cat than a dog.

He doesn't like to be picked up or pet by anyone, except for me. Oh, he is such a mommie's boy!

And he can HUG, people! :-)

He loves Snowball. It took Snowbie about a while to accept his new playmate, but now they're best of friends. Together, they play, nap, eat and, of course, marking territories around the neighborhood.

With Reza, however, it's like a love-hate relationship. Reza likes to tease him and he just can't deal!

But we know somewhere deep deep down, Rock loves his daddy.

Rock, happy birthday again and we love you! :-)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A birthday in Santa Barbara

Last Saturday was another special birthday. My childhood friend Chau turned another year older. She's a few months younger and we have been friends since kindergarden.

She was in Santa Barbara celebrating her special day with her beloved hubby Tom, her younger sister and her husband, Maggie and Phillip. Of course, Reza and I drove up to join in on the celebration.

It was a little brisky, but breathing in the cool ocean air was definitely a nice break from the stuffy air in Los Angeles. We had to so much fun biking around the crowded boardwalk, hiking through the acres of the botanica gardens, monkeying around and, of course, eating our faces off.

They were stacking up on each other for an interesting pose...

...and crashed down as Reza unexpectedly jumped on top of the human tree (Thank god no one was seriously hurt in the making of this photo)

I caught Maggie resting on her husband during our "little" hike in the garden:

Chau getting a romantic birthday kiss from her husband:

Reza, being goofy as always, pretended to hold up the humongous rock on the side of the dirt road:

Tom, the Ballerina? Just kidding...

Happy Birthday, Chau!

Thank you for such a fun weekend! Love ya!