I'm gonna take you home, okay? Don't be scared, I said, with a promise of always taking good care of him. And he was on his way to his new home.
That was 10 months ago.

Today, that scared lil' puppy whom we decided to call ROCK has turned ONE year old.
Since day one, Rockie has been one cool dog - extremely sweet, gentle and affectionate. He kisses me every day, and all day if he could. He has a unique quirky personality but we love him so much.
He loves ears (Yes, ears.) and human food.

He loves playing hide and seek.
He likes sitting on windows, top of sofas and... my shoulders. Here's where he's more like a cat than a dog.
He doesn't like to be picked up or pet by anyone, except for me. Oh, he is such a mommie's boy!
And he can HUG, people! :-)He loves Snowball. It took Snowbie about a while to accept his new playmate, but now they're best of friends. Together, they play, nap, eat and, of course, marking territories around the neighborhood.
With Reza, however, it's like a love-hate relationship. Reza likes to tease him and he just can't deal!
But we know somewhere deep deep down, Rock loves his daddy.
Rock, happy birthday again and we love you! :-)